Our offer

YassDance Junior Academy

Class levels at YassDance & Fitness Studio

Open (O)
Classes are open to everyone, regardless of advancement or experience in a given style or type of class. You can join open classes at any time without consulting the instructor.
Begginer (B)
Classes for people who have no or very little experience in a given style, you can join classes at any time without consulting the instructor.
Basic (B1)
Classes for people who know the basic step and its variants and elementary figures, who have been dancing a given style regularly for at least 6 months. You can join classes without consulting the instructor.
Pre-intermediate (P-I)
Classes for people who know basic combinations and body movements typical for a given style and have been dancing a given style regularly for at least a year. We recommend contacting the instructor before joining a course.
Intermediate (I)
Classes for people who are comfortable in a given style and have been dancing regularly for at least 1,5 years. We recommend contacting the instructor before joining a class.
Advanced (A)
Classes for people who can dance complex figures on their own and combine them with correct styling and whole-body movement, who have been dancing a given style for at least 3 years. Before joining classes, you must contact the instructor.
Master (M)
Classes for people aspiring to achieve instructor level or training to become dance instructors in a given style. Before joining classes, you must contact the instructor.
Additional information
All fitness classes are given at the open level.

Dance classes at open, beginner, basic, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels will also include exercises in rhythm and musicality appropriate to the level of advancement.